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   地殼變形    Crustal deformation in Taiwan and other regions

a. Journal papers

M. Le. Béon, C. C. Chen, W. J. Huang, K. E. Ching, J. W. Shih, Y. C. Tseng, Y. W. Chiou, Y. C. Liu, M. L. Hsieh, E. Pathier, C. H. Lu and B. Fruneau, 2024, Aseismic deformation within fold-and-thrust belts: example from the Tsengwen River section of southwest Taiwan, Geoscience Letters, 11:57, 2024.  [PDF]

C. M. Tsai, W. J. Huang*, P. C. Chan, S. T. Lu, 2014, Topographic change and potential inundation hazard in the Greater Taipei area and Coulomb stress on neighboring faults induced by the reactivation of the Shanchiao fault in northern Taiwan, Central Geological Survey Special Publication (in Chinese with English abstract and figure captions) 28, 105-128, Dec. 2014.  [PDF]

W. J. Huang*, and K. M. Johnson, 2012, Strain accumulation across strike-slip faults: Investigation of the influence of laterally varying lithospheric properties, Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, doi:10.1029/2012JB009424, Sept. 2012. (SCI)  [PDF]

W. J. Huang*, Kaj, M. Johnson, J. Fukuda and S. B. Yu, 2010, Insights into eastern Taiwan tectonics from analyses of geodetic and geologic data using a plate-block viscoelastic model, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, B03413, doi:10.1029/2008JB006208 (SCI).  [PDF]

b. Selected conference proceedings

W. J. Huang*, and K. M. Johnson, Strain accumulation across strike-slip faults: Investigation of the influence of laterally varying lithospheric properties, 2012 Subsurface Environmental Simulation Benchmarking Workshop, Oct. 2012.  [PDF]

W. J. Huang*, and K. M. Johnson, Strain accumulation across the Aksay segment of Altyn Tagh fault: Investigation of the influence of laterally varying lithospheric properties and a low-viscosity channel, EGU General Assembly 2012, April 2012.  [PDF]

W. J. Huang*, and K. M. Johnson, Strain accumulation across strike-slip faults: Investigation of the influence of laterally varying lithospheric properties, AGU General Assembly 2010, December 2010.  [PDF]

W. J. Huang*, and K. M. Johnson, Investigation of the influence of laterally varying lithospheric properties on asymmetric strain accumulation across strike-slip faults, AGU General Assembly 2009, December 2009.  [PDF]

W. J. Huang*, K. M. Johnson, J. Fukuda, and S. B. Yu, Insights into active tectonics of eastern Taiwan from analyses of geodetic and geologic data, AGU General Assembly 2008, December 2008.  [PDF]