a. Journal papers
W. J. Huang, M.T. Fitrianto, C.C. Chen, P.Y. Chang, I.C. Yen, M. Le Béon, and S.T. Lu, 2025, Complexity of near-surface deformation
and subsurface structure of the Chihshang
creeping fault-line scarp, eastern Taiwan:
insights from integration of geological
and geophysical data, Earth, Planets and Space ,77:10, 2025.
M. Le. Béon, C. C. Chen, W. J. Huang, K. E. Ching, J. W. Shih, Y. C. Tseng, Y. W. Chiou, Y. C. Liu, M. L. Hsieh, E. Pathier, C. H. Lu and B. Fruneau, 2024, Aseismic deformation within fold-and-thrust
belts: example from the Tsengwen River section
of southwest Taiwan, Geoscience Letters, 11:57, 2024.
T. M. Chu, W. J. Huang, T.Y. Lin, S.T. Lu, Y.C. Liu, C.S. Chiang and Y.H. Chang, 2021, Benefits of Defining Geological Sensitive Zones in the Mitigation of Disasters Along Earthquake Fault Zones in Taiwan – The Case of Milun Fault, Journal of Disaster Research Vol.16 No.8, 2021.
Y. C. Hsu and W. J. Huang, 2020, Forming Mechanisms and Relation of Chi-Chi Earthquake-induced Uplift Reach of Taan River to Tungshih Anticline, (in Chinese with English abstract). Central Geological Survey Special Publication No. 35: 69-88.
Y. W. Chiou, Y. C. Lin, W. J. Huang, I. C. Yen, M. Le Beon and Y. H. Lee, 2019, Characteristics of the Chishan Fault Zone Exposed around the North End of Zhongliao Tunnel, Southwestern Taiwan, (in Chinese with English abstract). Central Geological Survey Special Publication No. 34: 83-100.
P. Y. Chang, W. J. Huang, C. C. Chen, H. l. Hsu, Y. I. Chin, G. R. Ho, J. C. Lee, S. T. Lu, P. T. Chen, 2018, Probing the frontal deformation zone of the Chihshang Fault with boreholes and high-resolution electrical resistivity imaging methods: A case study at the Dapo site in eastern Taiwan, Journal of Applied Geophysics 153 (2018) 127–135.
M. Le Béon, M. H. Huang, J. Suppe, S. T. Huang, E. Pathier, W. J. Huang, C. L. Chen, B. Fruneau, S. Baize, K. E. Ching, and J. C. Hu, 2017: Shallow geological structures triggered during the Mw 6.4 Meinong earthquake, southwestern Taiwan. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., doi: 10.3319/TAO.2017.03.20.02
W. J. Huang*, W. S. Chen, Y. H. Lee, C. C. Yang, M. L. Lin, C. S. Chiang, J. C. Lee, and S. T. Lu, 2016, Insights from heterogeneous structures of the 1999 Mw 7.6 Chi-Chi earthquake thrust termination in and near Chushan excavation site, central Taiwan, Journal of Geophysical Research, 121, 339-364, doi: 10.1002/2015JB012174, Jan. 2016. (IF:3.426 / Rank:19/175)
Y. Y. Chang, C. J. Lee, W. C. Huang, W. Y. Hung, W. J. Huang, M. L. Lin, and Y. H. Chen, 2015, Evolution of the surface deformation profile and subsurface distortion zone during reverse faulting through overburden sand, Engineering Geology, 184, 52-70, Jan. 2015. (SCI)
W. Y Hung, C. J Lee, Y. Y. Chang, W. C. Huang, W. J. Huang, M. L. Lin, Y. H. Lin, 2014, Applying centrifuge modeling to assess ground surface deformation and the range of shear zone caused by normal and reverse faults, Central Geological Survey Special Publication (in Chinese with English abstract and figure captions) 28, 129-151, Dec. 2014.
Y. Y. Chang, C. J. Lee, W. C. Huang, W. J. Huang, M. L. Lin, W. Y. Hung, and Y. H. Lin, 2013, Use of entrifuge experiments and discrete element analysis to model the reverse fault slip, International Journal of Civil Engineering,11, 2, 79-88, Nov. 2013. (SCI)
W. J. Huang* and Arvid M. Johnson, 2010, Quantitative description and analysis of earthquake-induced deformation zones along strike-slip and dip-slip faults, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, B03408, doi:10.1029/2009JB006361(SCI).
W. J. Huang, 2004, Fascinating reconstruction of Chushan trench, Taiwan, Geology (Chinese journal), v. 23 No 2, 41-50.
W. J. Huang*, Z. Y. Chen, S. Y. Liu, Y. H. Lin, C. W. Lin and H. C. Chang, 2000, Surface deformation models of the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake between Tachiachi and Toupienkenchi, central Taiwan (in Chinese with English abstract). Central Geological Survey Special Publication No. 12: 63-87.
C. W. Lin, S. T. Lu, W. J. Huang, T. S. Shih and H. C. Chang, 2000, The Chi-Chi earthquake fault and structural analysis of the area south of Choshuihsi, central Taiwan (in Chinese with English abstract). Central Geological Survey Special Publication No. 12: 89-111.
b. Selected conference proceedings
W. J. Huang*, W. S. Chen, Y. H. Lee, C. C. Yang, C. S. Chiang, and J. C. Lee, Heterogeneous structures of 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake, thrust termination in and near Chushan excavation site, central Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2015, April 2014.
I. J. Huang, W. J. Huang, and J. C. Lee, Study of the relationship between surface rupture and faulting due to 2010 M6.4 Jiashian earthquake, AGU General Assembly 2013, December 2013.
W. J. Huang*, J.C. Lee, T. C. Lin, and C. Liu, Characterizing 2-D slip distributions along plate-suture mega-thrust during earthquake cycle: a case of the Chihshang fault in eastern Taiwan, AGU General Assembly 2013, December 2013.
W. J. Huang*, J. C. Lee, T. C. Lin, and C. Liu, Characterizing change of slip along plate-suture mega-thrust during earthquake-cycle: a case of the Chihshang fault in eastern Taiwan, Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting (WPGM) 2010, June 2010.