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   Meso-scale geologic structures

a. Journal papers

W. J. Huang, M.T. Fitrianto, C.C. Chen, P.Y. Chang, I.C. Yen, M. Le Béon, and S.T. Lu, 2025, Complexity of near-surface deformation and subsurface structure of the Chihshang creeping fault-line scarp, eastern Taiwan: insights from integration of geological and geophysical data, Earth, Planets and Space ,77:10, 2025.  [PDF]

P. W. Lai and W. J. Huang, 2023, Normal Faults in Bitou and Longdong Areas, Northeastern Taiwan, (in Chinese with English abstract). Central Geological Survey Special Publication No. 36: 43-78.  [PDF]

Y. C. Hsu and W. J. Huang, 2020, Forming Mechanisms and Relation of Chi-Chi Earthquake-induced Uplift Reach of Taan River to Tungshih Anticline, (in Chinese with English abstract). Central Geological Survey Special Publication No. 35: 69-88.  [PDF]

Y. W. Chiou, Y. C. Lin, W. J. Huang, I. C. Yen, M. Le Beon and Y. H. Lee, 2019, Characteristics of the Chishan Fault Zone Exposed around the North End of Zhongliao Tunnel, Southwestern Taiwan, (in Chinese with English abstract). Central Geological Survey Special Publication No. 34: 83-100.  [PDF]

S. J. Fan, W. J. Huang, W. Lo, 2018, Study of Structural Relationship between the Mesoscopic Geological Structures along the Dahan Riverbed and the Daxi Anticline in Taoyuan (in Chinese with English abstract). Central Geological Survey Special Publication No. 33: 31-56.  [PDF]

S. T. Lin, W. J. Huang*, 2017, Deformation Bands in Shihtiping, Eastern Taiwan, Special Publication of the Central Geological Survey,No.31,Nov. 2017, pp.35-64.  [PDF]

C. E. Hsieh, S. J. Fan, Y. T. Lin, W. J. Huang, W. Lo, 2016, An Application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with an Onboard Camera to Structural Geology, Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing V. 21, No.4, Dec. 2016, pp. 257-269, DOI:10.6574/JPRS.2016.21(4).4 (in Chinese)  [PDF]

C. S. You, W. J. Huang, W. Lo, T. B. Wang and C. C. Chen, 2016, A study on structural evolution of alkalibasaltic dikes and country rocks in Lailai, northeastern coast of Taiwan by combining aerial photography and electrical prosecting, Central Geological Survey Special Publication (in Chinese with English abstract) 29, 99-126, Dec. 2016.  [PDF]

W. J. Huang*, W. S. Chen, Y. H. Lee, C. C. Yang, M. L. Lin, C. S. Chiang, J. C. Lee, and S. T. Lu, 2016, Insights from heterogeneous structures of the 1999 Mw 7.6 Chi-Chi earthquake thrust termination in and near Chushan excavation site, central Taiwan, Journal of Geophysical Research, doi: 10.1002/2015JB012174. (SCI)  [PDF1]  [PDF2]

W. J. Huang, 2004, Fascinating reconstruction of Chushan trench, Taiwan, Geology (Chinese journal), v. 23 No 2, 41-50.  [PDF]

b. Conference paper

W. J. Huang*, and Y. Liang, 2012, Study on mechanical mechanism of kink folds via BEM,, The 36th National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, November 16-17, 2012,Paper X-039.  [PDF]

c. Selected conference proceedings

W. J. Huang*, W. S. Chen, Y. H. Lee, C. C. Yang, C. S. Chiang, and J. C. Lee, Heterogeneous structures of 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake, thrust termination in and near Chushan excavation site, central Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2015, April 2014.  [PDF]

C. S. You, W. J. Huang, W. Lo, T. B. Wang, and C. C. Chen, Structural evolution of lamprophyric dikes in Lailai, northeastern coast of Taiwan, deduced from mesoscopic structures in dikes and country rocks, EGU General Assembly 2015, April 2014.  [PDF]

S. T. Lin and W. J. Huang, Study of deformation bands in ignimbrites in Shihtiping, eastern Taiwan AGU General Assembly 2014, December 2013.  [PDF]

I. J. Huang, W. J. Huang, and J. C. Lee, Study of the relationship between surface rupture and faulting due to 2010 M6.4 Jiashian earthquake, AGU General Assembly 2013, December 2013.  [PDF]

W. J. Huang*, J.C. Lee, T. C. Lin, and C. Liu, Characterizing 2-D slip distributions along plate-suture mega-thrust during earthquake cycle: a case of the Chihshang fault in eastern Taiwan, AGU General Assembly 2013, December 2013.  [PDF]

Y. Liang, W. J. Huang*, K. M. Johnson, Study on mechanical mechanism of kink bands via BEM, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 2013, Jun 2013  [PDF]

W. J. Huang*, and Y. S. Liang, Study on mechanical mechanism of kink folds via BEM, The 36th National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Nov 2012.  [PDF]