Li-Chi Vicky Wen
My name is Vicky, assistants in Geomechanics Research Group. I graduated from Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering, National Ilan University. My mind is full of optimistic thoughts and easygoing. My hobbies are travelling and watching movies. Sometimes, I go to cinema, watching detective movies.
E-mail : snowblueq@gmail.com

Chung-Wei Chang
Graduated from Graduate Institute of Applied Geology, NCU. Working in CES, NCU. My interest is photography and riding.
E-mail : evan3873931@gmail.com
Thesis topics : Determination of Structural Characteristics of the Chusiang Active Fault Using Geological Cross-Sections[PDF]

Tsung-Chi Huang
My name is Tsung-Chi Huang. I was born in Taichung Nantun District. After graduated from high school, I was once studying physics in National Chung Cheng University. At my second year in college, I left the school and decided that earth science is where my passion lies. This is my third year as a student at National Central University majoring in earth science. I joined the astronomy club in school during my freshmen year. The next year, I was elected as the club leader. I led the club participate in several events such as the Star Party. I had handover to the new leader. From then on, I want to concentrate on practicing in professor Wen-Jeng Owen Huang’s laboratory. Moreover, I would like to set National Chung Cheng University as my goal of graduate institute.
E-mail : foxinpasturelan@gmail.com
Thesis topics : Three-Dimensional Visualization and Structural Analysis of the Area around the Zhuoshui River in the Western Foothill of Taiwan[PDF]