Chia-En Lo
Hello, my name is Chia-En Lo and from Kaohsiung.I graduated from University of Taipei and majored in Earth and Life Science. I’m a kind, helpful and outgoing person. My favorite sports are baseball and basketball. In the graduate school, I hope to acquire more professional knowledge of geology. Seize the day, look ahead.
E-mail : imken881209@gmail.com
Thesis topics : No

Ssu-Yu Chou
I'm Ssuyu Chou, a first-year student in the Department of Earth Sciences at National Central University, come from New Taipei City. My hobbies are whatching anime, reading novels, and playing badminton. I hope to enrich my abilities in this time!
E-mail : sichou983@gmail.com
Thesis topics : No

Zi-yu Yang
ZI YU YANG,comes from National Central University in YAOYUAN Live in taoyuan.Love sports and hate math a lot.Studying at department of Earth science in NCU.
E-mail : ziyu0923923809@gmail.com
Thesis topics : No

Hao Ming Chang
Hi, I am from Taichung, and I am currently studying in the Department of Earth Science of National Central University. My interest is to read novels. I hope to improve myself, enrich myself, and become a useful person in the future.
E-mail : olli20030710@gmail.com
Thesis topics : No

Yao Da Wei
I am a college sophomore studying earth science at NCU. My high school teacher, which is graduated from NCU, brought about my interest in the region of earth science. Taking a small adventure by riding motorcycle is the best thing to do in my free time. I am also enjoying the way of watching movies in the theater. Still look for the research direction in earth science. Hoping that I can take my future steps through the experience of this internship in the lab.
E-mail : da920518kevin@gmail.com
Thesis topics : No

Liang-Jie Yuan
Hi,my name is LiangJie Yuan.I graduated from University of Taipei.Back to high school,learning earth science made me feel interested,and this is why I choose to be a geologist in the future.
E-mail : seer.23498386@gmail.com
Thesis topics : No

Tsung-Chi Huang
My name is Tsung-Chi Huang. I was born in Taichung Nantun District. After graduated from high school, I was once studying physics in National Chung Cheng University. At my second year in college, I left the school and decided that earth science is where my passion lies. This is my third year as a student at National Central University majoring in earth science. I joined the astronomy club in school during my freshmen year. The next year, I was elected as the club leader. I led the club participate in several events such as the Star Party. I had handover to the new leader. From then on, I want to concentrate on practicing in professor Wen-Jeng Owen Huang’s laboratory. Moreover, I would like to set National Chung Cheng University as my goal of graduate institute.
E-mail : foxinpasturelan@gmail.com
Thesis topics : Structural analysis of Chusiang fault in central Taiwan

Yu-Cheng Johnson Hsu
Studying Earth Science at National Central University. Still trying to learn something new but not very well. Also a big fan of League of Legend e-sport games.
E-mail : jonson51651480@gmail.com
Thesis topics : No
Jules Jauffret
My name is Jules Jauffret, I am learning geology in UniLaSalle Beauvais, in France for 4 years. My learning is dedicated to Energetic Ressources, mainly petroleum geology. So I am more into sedimentary rocks, and I would like to specialize into marine geology, because I always was attracted by the ocean and every mystery it is made up. I came to Taïwan to discover a new country, a new culture and a new way of learning. I am a travel fanatic and always seeking for new adventures.
E-mail : Jules.JAUFFRET@etu.unilasalle.fr
Joséphine Combes
My name is Joséphine Combes and I am a graduate student. I spent my second semester of my fourth academic year of my home school UniLaSalle abroad at the National Central University in Zhongli. My courses took place in the Earth Science department. My hobbies are travelling, botanic and music. Since I enjoy travelling and discovering other cultures, this semester was a great opportunity. Indeed, as far as I am concerned doing a semester during almost 5 months helps to really get used to a new environment: food, new landscape, Taiwanese people habits, etc.
E-mail : josephine.combes@etu.unilasalle.fr

Zhang Chao
I am from Heilongjiang Province, China. I majored in geology at Chang'an University. I joined the geomechanics laboratory as an exchange student in 108 years. I have a wide range of hobbies. I will make you happy, from day to night. My interest and target areas are mesoscale structures and regional tectonics.
E-mail : charles.z.y@foxmail.com

Dwi Febriana Rochmah
Born in Indonesia. Thrid year Master Student in Graduate Institute of Applied Geology. In previous study, working well with non-seismic surveys (gravity, resistivity, ground penetrating radar, & magnetic methods). Also can work with CorelDraw, GlobalMapper, Rockworks, Mapinfo, Surfer, and other geophysical data (non-seismic) processing softwares. Focus on Matlab programming. Sometimes do stargazing, travelling, and other adventurous things.
E-mail : rochmahfebrian@gmail.com
Antoine POUJOL
Position : Postdoctoral Fellow
E-mail : antoine.poujol@hotmail.com
Research interest :
General Geology

Kuan-Hua Michael Tseng
I am a student at the University of Central University, called Micheal. My usual interests are playing basketball, watching comic novels and going to fitness.
E-mail : michael4679lkj@gmail.com

Giletycz Jack Slawomir
Affiliation : Department of Earth Sciences, NCU
Position : Postdoctoral Fellow.
E-mail : geojack.slawek@gmail.com
Education :
Tectonic geomorphology
Structural geology and mountain building processes
Fluvial, erosional processes and reorganization of the
Mass movement hazards due to natural and/or
manmade factors
Geological mapping and interpretation
DEM (Digital Elevation Model) constructions and
Field geology
UAV surveys (international UAV pilot license)

Isabelle Le Pivain
I come from Saint-Germain-en-Laye, a nice town near Paris. I am studying at NCU as an exchange student. My home school is Ecole Centrale de Marseille where I study general engineering, so I know very little about geophysics! I wanted to try it at NCU since I have been interested in nature since I was a child.
E-mail : isabelle.lepivain@centrale-marseille.fr
I am fond of listening to music, history, singing, playing soccer, jogging, chatting with my friends, visiting museums and I enjoy natural landscapes. I would say I am curious, a bit of a moaner, I tend to be anxious and lack practical sense but I am rather kind and spontaneous. I set myself the challenge to go to Taiwan and discover a very different culture!

Chu-Ling Betty Yang
Hi everyone! My major is Earth Science at NCU. Interested in animation, Japanese, and latte art. Now I am learning structural geology, ArcGIS, and CorelDraw in lab.
E-mail : betty8398@gmail.com

Liang-Yu Irene Chen
I am a master student in National Central University whose major is Earth Sciences. I had been in Geomechanics Lab to learn structural geology and mapping tools when I was in college. Now, I am in the Crustal Deformation Observatory under Earth Sciences Institute, Academia Sinica, and my research theme is to discuss the stress field variation on a fault by combing GPS observation and rate-and-state friction law.
E-mail : sweetlove1tw@gmail.com

Tim Hsieh
I am Tim Hsieh, born in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. I am a senior student in the department of Earth Sciences at National Central University. Backpacking traveling is my favorite activity, and it’s a good way to broaden my horizon. I also enjoy learning foreign languages. Beside English, I have learned French and Korean, and can speak a little bit of Japanese. I am an optimistic person. I believe if I follow my heart, I can always look into the bright side.
E-mail : s950718g@gmail.com
Xiang-fu Zhuang
My hometown is in Nantou. Now I'm the person in charge of the Wa-Li-Da Engineering company. We provide customized drones and drone survey service for research or other applications.If you need anything, please don't hesitate to contact me!
E-mail : ddtabssrs@gmail.com
Yun-Ju Chen
I am a PhD student in the Department of Physics at University of Texas at Dallas, USA. I received my bachelor’s degree in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences and master’s degree in the Graduate Institute of Space Science from the National Central University in Taiwan. After that, I worked as an assistant in Geomechanics lab for one year. I like to play badminton, tennis and watch movies or animations in my free time.
My research topic is spatial and temporal responses of the plasma convection in the Earth’s ionosphere at the high latitudes to the changes in solar wind. Roughly speaking, it is about the ionosphere-magnetosphere-solar wind coupling, or so-called space weather in general.