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Doctoral students


Lan Chi

       I come from a not-so-famous city in Vietnam called Thai Binh. I took my bachelor’s degree in Petroleum geology, then continue my master’s degree in Applied Geology. I like to explore new things and new places. During my free time, I like jogging and chatting with friends.

  E-mail : lanchidcd96@gmail.com
  Thesis topics : Geology Structural Identification through 3D Resistivity Inversion of Magnetotelluric (MT) Data in the Tatun Volcano Group, Northern Taiwan


Pei-Chi Jan

       I am from Miaoli and graduated from the Institute of Earth Sciences at National Taiwan Ocean University. My major focused on non-destructive geophysical exploration methods. I joined the research laboratory to gain professional knowledge in geology and its applications in the industry.

  E-mail : akiraboxs@gmail.com
  Thesis topics : No

I-Chin Yen

 Affiliation: Yic Geologest Office

 Position: Apply Geologest

 Office phone number: (06)921-7701

 E-mail: ichin.yen@gmail.com


 Professional and expertise : 

 Research interest : 

 Qualification : 

 Education : 
1998-2000 國立台灣海洋大學應用地球物理研究所  碩士
1994-1998 私立中國文化大學地質系  學士

 Current Position and Related Experiences : 
2016/01 - present 臺灣省應用地質技師公會 理事長
2010/01 - present 顏一勤應用地質技師事務所 應用地質技師
2008/10 ~ 2009/12 經濟部中央地質調查所構造與地震地質組 助理
2008/04 ~ 2008/10 經濟部中央地質調查所區域地質組 約僱職務代理人
2001/01 ~ 2004/08 國立台灣大學地質科學系 研究助理

 Publications : 
a. 專 書


顏一勤 (2000) 台灣中部集集地震震源區之背景應力與構造研究。國立台灣海洋大學應用地球物理研究所碩士論文,共79頁。

b. 期 刊








陳文山、黃能偉、顏一勤、楊志成、李偉彰、楊小青、陳勇全、宋時驊(2006)恆春半島增積岩體的構造與地層特性:全新世恆春斷層的活動性。Western Pacific Earth Scienc。


楊志成、顏一勤、宋時驊、黃能偉、陳勇全、陳文山、陳于高、吳樂群、張徽正、侯進雄、 林啟文 (2005)六甲斷層近萬年來滑移速率之探討。經濟部中央地質調查所特刊,16期,1-16頁。

Yu, N.T., J.Y. Yen, W.S. Chen,I.C. Yen and J.H. Liu, 2016, Geological records of western Pacific tsunamis in northern Taiwan: AD 1867 and earlier event deposits, Marine Geolog, no.372, 1-16.

Yen, I-Chin, Wen-Shan Chen, Chih-Cheng Barry Yang, Neng-Wei Huang, Chii-Wen Lin (2008) Paleoseismology of the Rueisuei segment of the Longitudinal Valley Fault, Eastern Taiwan: Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 98, 4, 1737-1749. (SCI)

Yu, N.T., W.S. Chen, L.S. Teng and I.C. Yen, 2008, Facies Characteristics of the Upper Neogene Nantzusienchi Section, Kaohsiung, SW Taiwan, Petroleum Geology of Taiwan, no.38, 30-56.

Chen, W.S., Yen, I.C., Fengler, K.P., Rubin, C.M., Yang, C.C., Yang, H.C., Chang, H.C., Lin, C.W., Lin, W.H., Liu, Y.C., Lin, Y.H. (2007) Late Holocene Paleoearthquake Activity along the Juisui Fault of the Middle Longitudinal Valley Fault, Eastern Taiwan: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 264, 420-437. (SCI)

Chen, W.S., Yang, C.C., Yen, I,C., Lee, L.S., Lee, K.J., Yang, H.C., Chang, H.C., Ota Y., Lin, C.W., Lin, W.H., Shih, T.S., Lu, S.T. (2007) Late Holocene Paleoseismicity of the Southern Part of the Chelungpu Fault in Central Taiwan: Evidence from the Chushan excavation site: Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 97 (1B), 1-13. (SCI)